April 12 Weekly Announcements
Blaze Softball Fundraiser:
On Monday, April 19, please support Blaze Girls High School Softball with eating Panda Express. Dine in, take out, or order online. The nearest location is Apple Valley; 7735 150th St W, Apple Valley, MN 55124.
Or you can ORDER ONLINE from any Panda Express location. order.pandaexpress.com or via App. Apply code 903406 in the Coupon Code box during online checkout.
Please support Girls High School Softball with eating Panda Express on Monday. Eat in or order online.
Student Council Family Feud Game Night
Compete to name the most popular responses to surveys. Put your trivia skills to the test.
April 15, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time
We are still looking for teams of 3-4 for Family Feud. Email bunna4@isd191.org if you are interested.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 479 161 0276
Passcode: STUDCO
The Yearbook Needs Your Help!
Please use the following link to submit any Spring Break pictures you would be willing to share with the yearbook. It could be a picture from a trip, you working, hanging out with friends, etc.
We also need any photos from Homecoming! Thank you so much!
The Yearbook
Can you help save a life?
Burnsville DECA will be hosting a blood drive on Friday, May 7 at Burnsville High School. The drive is open to all Cohort B students 16 or older and staff. Sign up and spread the word to help save lives! Sign up to donate using this link: https://www.mbcherohub.club/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/66813 Questions? Contact Zoe Olson (olsoz1@isd191.org) or Lindsey Brown (browl3@isd191.org).
Virtual Academy enrollment is now available for 2021-22
Enrollment is now open for the new District 191 online school for the 2021-22 school year!
Called One91 Virtual Academy, the school will follow the district’s unique Pathways model, supporting students in finding their passions and purpose so they are prepared for success throughout school and after graduation.
The Initial Enrollment Period will run from April 10 to April 25. Students enrolling after that will be placed on a waiting list, with additional spaces opened depending on interest.
A virtual open house is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m. Learn more about One91 Virtual Academy and enroll at www.isd191.org/VirtualAcademy.
April Change to Chill
Does your student get enough sleep? Sleep is essential to health, both mental and physical, but most teens don't get the recommended 9-10 hours per night. Chat with your student about the importance of sleep and encourage them to use Change to Chill's "Head to Toe Relaxation" meditation - it's a great tool to help unwind at the end of the day.
Winter sports and activities have wrapped up for the season. Have you earned a varsity letter? Our store is the place to get your letter jacket and patches! Contact the store to order your jacket by emailing ktomas@isd191.org or calling 952-707-2195 during store hours T/Th between 10-2:00. Patches can be purchased in store or online: https://isd-191.square.site/
Garden Club Update
Come learn about gardening and grow food for the food shelf. Join the giving garden club on Mondays, beginning on April 26th at 2:00pm near door number 8. We will meet every Monday beginning on April 26th, unless it is raining. This club counts for volunteering hours! No experience necessary. See Mr. Deutsch if you have any questions.
BHS VIRTUAL College & Military Visits
How to sign up for a College Visit
Date |
Name |
Time |
April 15 |
Carroll University (WI) |
2:00 |
April 21 |
ACT for Juniors |
8:00 am |
May 4 |
The University of Arizona (AZ) |
2:00 |
Wallin 2 Yr. Scholarship Website: https://www.wallinpartners.org/2-year-program.html Open until May 15 |
HOSA Club is for – Future Health Professionals
Would you like to be part of the BHS HOSA Leadership Team?
They plan and organize the club and Hosa meetings and events?
Then apply now! https://forms.gle/17Kzi98NfeJ1Xfug8
If you are interested in the medical field and like to help others, we would love to have you!
Also, if you are looking for something to look great on your college and scholarship applications, this is for you.
Applications are due April 13th.
You will be contacted for a zoom interview on April 14th or April 21st. Decisions will be made by the current leadership team and advisors. Please contact President David Wilkens, Ruby Boes, or Carson Zerr for more information.