Weekly announcements for Sept. 20
2021 BHS Homecoming Update: Here is a revised schedule. The revision is for Thursday where there is a Blaze Home Swim and Dive meet vs. Apply Valley @ 6pm.
Homecoming Dance Location Change:
There is a location change for the BHS 2021 Homecoming Dance. The outdoor dance will take place at the BHS E-Commons OUTDOOR PATIO (by Door #18 bus drop off/pick up area) on Saturday, September 25. It will NO LONGER be held on Pates Stadium. It is for ISD 191 grades 9-12 (BHS and BAHS) students only. Zero guests from other schools. In addition, zero middle school students can attend. The dance tickets will be sold online at this link below OR at the door (cash only if purchased at the door). The cost is $10.00 per person. The theme is "Outer Space"
If you have any questions, please contact Mark Riggs, Student Council Advisor; mriggs@isd191.org
Upward Bound
Hello, if you are a returning sophomore Upward Bound student, this is a reminder that after school tutoring starts today. Please, report to the UB office in C252 after school. Again, only sophomore Upward Bound students today.
Physics Club
Physics Club will meet after school next Monday 9/27/2021 in D124. We will have a guest speaker (Zoom) starting at 3:00pm. https://bit.ly/BHS-PC
Esports Gaming Club and Casual Gaming Club Important Announcement
Hello everyone, it’s tryout week! I just want to make sure that everyone is ready to go and in the discord and knows the time and dates for all tryouts. Starting us off Monday are Valorant tryouts starting at 5 pm. Tuesday at 5 pm we will have the MC BedWars 4v4 tryouts. Wednesday we will be having CoD BOCW: 4v4 tryouts at 5 pm. Please try and be in the Discord call at 4:45 on your respected tryout day. We have also begun to gain interest in a rocket league team so if you are one of those people please reach out to me so I can try and get you sorted and ready to compete. If you have any questions or can’t make the tryout please let me know at palms1@isd191.org. I am also going to link the discord here if the invite doesn’t work again please let me know and I will send you a separate one.
- Valorant Tryouts: Monday 5 pm
- MC BedWars 4v4 Tryouts: Tuesday 5 pm
- COD BOCW 4v4 Tryouts: Wednesday 5 pm
Contact Simon Palmer for the discord link. palms1@isd191.org
Casual Gamers, our first game night is after school on Thursday. You must have a permission slip signed by your parents in order to be part of the gaming club on Thursday. Please see me in E117 if you do not have a permission slip. The first 30 students to arrive with a parent permission slip signed will be allowed to enter room E117.