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STREAM Fair at Neill Elementary showcases diverse talents, interests of students

STREAM Fair at Neill Elementary showcases diverse talents, interests of students

Edward Neill Elementary students demonstrated their skills and shared their knowledge Tuesday at the school’s annual STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Math) Fair. 

Students presented a variety of projects, each highlighting their creativity and curiosity. From science experiments and art displays to magic tricks and reports on famous historical figures and more, the fair showcased the diverse talents and interests of Neill students.

“The students were excited to share their projects with others at school! It is a great opportunity for students to teach others through the creation and sharing of their STREAM Fair project!” Digital Learning Specialist Bjorn Anderson said.

Jeff, third grade

The Amazing Jeff performed four magic tricks for visitors to the Neill STREAM Fair. He read instructions from his magic kit “all day long” to get the tricks just right. His favorite trick was making a red ball disappear and then reappear. He was excited to learn the new tricks and even more excited to see the reaction of his audience.

“Magic tricks make people happy and I like making people happy,” Jeff said.

Photo (top): "The Amazing Jeff" shows his cards.
student with their project at the Neill STREAM fair

Eddie, fourth grade

Eddie and his dad came up with the idea to do an experiment using electromagnetism. Their first step was a trip to the hardware store to buy battery terminals, nails and some extra batteries. While learning how to do the experiment, Eddie also learned a bit about safety. The batteries started to get warm, which meant he had to wear gloves and add a layer of tape around the battery terminals. 

Eddie was excited to show visitors how he turned the nails into magnets.

“I really like magnets because I like how the power of the metal attracts other metal,” he said.

Rey, Kindergarten

student with their project at the Neill STREAM fair

Rey’s idea for an invention came to her after she went to see Moana 2 at a movie theater. Carrying a giant bag of popcorn, a large drink and her phone was a challenge, so Rey invented the Movie Theater Buddy, a cardboard contraption that can hold all those items and more to help avoid any drops or spills. 

Rey did most of the fabrication herself using boxes and tape. Her parents helped with the painting. Her favorite part was that she got to be creative.

“I liked decorating it with stars,” Rey said.


student with their project at the Neill STREAM fair

Lira, second grade

Lira demonstrated her own talent by painting another famous painter, Frida Kahlo. 

Lira’s painting shows Kahlo’s reflection in a mirror. Lira traced one of her mom’s mirrors to get the shape right. She then had the idea to add a field of flowers behind the mirror. 

“I wanted to paint (Frida Kahlo) because I’m a big fan of her and I was inspired by her life,” Lira said.

Charlie, third grade

student with their project at the Neill STREAM fair

Charlie conducted an experiment to see if she could get flowers to change color by placing them in colored water. She started by gathering her supplies - flowers, food coloring, water and flower tubes. Her hypothesis was quickly proven correct. All the flowers began to turn the color of the water they were soaking in. 

“It was fun watching all the colors change. It didn’t take long for them all to start to change. It was pretty cool,” Charlie said. 

Charlie not only enjoyed the experiment, but also had fun designing and decorating the board displaying her project.