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Snow Week

Annual BHS Snow Week! 

Fun events to participate in and/or cheer on!   Any ISD 191 (BHS, BAHS, and Virtual) student can participate, grades 9-12.  

How to get involved?  

  1. Sign up for a team or gather 10 friends to make a team  

  2. Dress up for the daily dress up days

  3. Attend the events to cheer on your peers 

  4. Participate in the medallion hunt

  5. Attend the Neon Dance  

Snow Week Events - via Student Council 

  • Saturday, January 25:  Dodgeball Tournament at BHS Gyms 9:00 AM-12 Noon
  • Monday, January 27:  All school assembly in AM at BHS Main Gym
  • Badminton and Volleyball Tournament at BHS Gyms 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
  • Wednesday, January 29:  Outdoor Boot Hockey AND Sledding At Neill Park 6:00 PM-8:00 PM 
  • Thursday, January 30: Bingo in the lunchroom during all lunches
  • Saturday, February 1: Neon Dance at BHS Gyms 7:30 PM-10:00 PM

Medallion Hunt - All Week Long

The medallion hunt will take place during the week.
Clues will be read daily during announcements and then posted on Schoology after announcements.

-The medallion is somewhere inside BHS
-The medallion is NOT hidden in a classroom, gyms, bathroom, kitchen, Media Center, health office, career center, locker rooms, main office, guidance office, and maintenance department
-The medallion is NOT hidden in any ceiling tiles.
-The medallion is NOT in any garbage can.
-The medallion is NOT hidden in any furniture.
-The medallion is NOT hidden in the AED cabinets.

Snow Week Information/Dress up Themes 

Dress up Days

  • Monday - PJ Day
  • Tuesday - Dress your age day Freshman - dress as babies, Sophomores dress as elementary students, Juniors as adults and Seniors as Senior citizens, Teachers dress as teenagers
  • Wednesday - Twin Day
  • Thursday - Jersey Day
  • Friday - Blaze Day

Neon Dance Tickets - $10.00 Per Student 

What to wear?
Something casual and colorful. There will even be a neon paint station where you can make yourself even more colorful!

What to do?
The dance will take place in the gym at BHS. Don't like to dance? Still come and hangout with your friends! We will have plenty games and activities for everyone set up in the other gym

All guests must purchase a ticket.

Snow Week Teams:

Create a team - For Dodgeball and Volleyball - Boot Hockey optional
Dodgeball - 9am in the main gym on Saturday Jan 25th - meet at 8:45
Volleyball - 6pm in the main gym on Monday Jan 27th - meet at 5:45 

Students create your own teams of 10 - 5 boys and 5 girls - maximum 2 Varsity players on the court at a time for Volleyball,  4 Varsity (softball or baseball) players on the court for dodgeball and 2 Varsity players on the ice for hockey. If you do not have a team and would like to play reach out to Mr. Reuss and he will help you find a team. 

Create your team and show up on January 25th at 8:45 ready to play. 

Badminton for All!

Do you love to play badminton? All students are invited to play. This is not a snow week team activity. You can play singles, doubles or both. The tournament will be Monday January 27th at 6:00pm at BHS.  Invite your friends!! Take pictures and post online! Have fun! Winners will receive medals. Players can bring their own rackets, but we will have badminton rackets available. All BHS/VA/BAHS students 9th-12th grade are welcome to come play!

Boot Hockey and Sledding Details (Neil Park on Wednesday, January 29th from 6-8pm)

No ice skates needed! Just bring your regular shoes, and we’ll set you up with a team—or you can create your own! Bring a stick if you have one

Not in the mood for a game of boot hockey? Bring a sled and enjoy some snowy fun!

Prefer to stay cozy? Relax in our warming house with a cup of hot chocolate and soak up the good vibes.

There’s something for everyone, so don’t miss out!

Snow Week is sponsored by the 2024-25 Student Council Students and Advisors, Ronna Johnson and Eric Reuss;  

If you have any questions, please contact the advisors.